Private Detective London Latest News


Leading the way in the UK

Welcome to the PDL blog. In this space we talk about the wider (and wilder!) world of the private detective, whether that’s Private Detective London or cases from around the globe.

 We examine new legislation, look at changes in best practice and explore private detection industry facts, figures and breaking stories.

Just as we do with our investigations, we maintain a strict confidentiality about our clients and the cases we undertake, using only salient facts with details changed to conceal the identity and preserve the anonymity of those involved.

We do this for two reasons. First we’re proud of our record, whether we’re talking about the demanding activities of our Tracing Services, the painstaking fact-checking and data-gathering undertaken by Due Diligence or the complex and sensitive nature of the work undertaken by Matrimonial Investigation

Second, we know that anybody who’s seeking a private detective needs reassurance and confidence. Instead of making exaggerated claims about our work, which can’t be validated by potential clients, we’ve committed to:

  • keeping people informed about our work
  • sharing best practice about changing legislation
  • celebrating the work of our profession, internationally.

We believe this is the best way to demonstrate our consistent, ethical, focused approach to private investigation and to communicate our professional experience as a busy private detective agency at the forefront of work in the UK’s capital city.

Contact Us Today

You can view our contact details & send us a secure message at any point during your visit to the site or  call us on +4402037471865

Are Private Investigators Regulated In The UK?



February 4, 2019





We’re often asked about the regulation and licensing of private investigators in the UK. The short answer is that currently, a UK private investigator does not need to be licensed. Something with which we disagree, and take our own measures to ensure safe, ethical success for our clients and operatives. The Challenges Admittedly, private investigation is a complicated business

Cheating partner or spouse? We will uncover the truth



January 4, 2017




Cheating Partner? Matrimonial Investigation. One of the harshest truths someone may have to face up to is whether or not they’re with a cheating partner. The consequences of infidelity can be devastating. Most people will recognise that living with their doubts is not a viable option. Perhaps you’ve suspected that your partner is seeing someone else for some time.

Corporate Fraud: How to protect your business



January 1, 2017




With corporate fraud on the rise, it’s crucial to ensure your business is protected in the modern age. Here’s some information on the ways that corporate fraud can operate, and how best to protect yourself.   Consider The Modern World  Arguably – in this modern, technological world – we know more about each other than ever before. However, the

Who’s Listening In? Why you might want to consider a bug sweeping service



August 9, 2016




Corporate espionage and bug sweeping services might seem like the stuff that blockbusters are made of, but while the gun-toting heroes and simpering heroines with a backbone of steel are very much the remit of Hollywood, the fact remains that espionage is a very real threat in today’s business culture. And it’s not just business premises which make the